Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Instructions : Want to be Iron Man?

Things You'll Need:

Iron Man Costume/Pacemaker
Lots of Alcohol
Lots of Weapons

Make a ton of money. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark is loaded and does not mind telling you about it. Originally a playboy type character, Tony Stark is now a troubled man. He gained his wealth by dealing in weapons. A noble pursuit for a super hero, is it not?

Transplant an iron pacemaker in your chest and be a cyborg. Iron Man is half man, and half machine due to an injured heart from a piece of a booby trap. Iron Man is always working to become more human.

Invent an Iron Man Shell to keep your heart beating. Thankfully, Tony Stark was an inventor, or he would have been up the creek without a heart. This costume is more than a super hero costume. It has been his life line since he invented it.

Drink loads and loads of alcohol. Tony Stark is an avid fan of the sauce. He has really been through the wringer with all this heart trouble, as well as his lost humanity. You have to be a very addictive personality to be a super hero like Iron Man. He also is very committed to destroying things.

Locate your conscience through self study. Pay attention to what makes you tick as a superhero and a person. If you study your soul regularly, your conscience can be your guide to super hero stardom.

Struggle with the good and bad natures within yourself regularly. If Iron Man were not in such turmoil, then he would not be nearly as interesting. Make sure to relapse occasionally so that you can create drama.

Blow something up for the heck of it every now and then. Iron Man is certainly not shy about using his weapons. This makes him dangerous, powerful, and effective as a super hero. A great combination in the movies!

Tips & Warnings:

Utilize all of your wealth and finances to rule all the bad guys.

Get in touch with your explosive side. A dynamic personality should have dynamic explosions!

Spend plenty of time searching for the good in you. When you have access to weapons like these, you want to stay in touch with the good side of yourself.

from: http://www.ehow.com/how_2290675_be-superhero-like-iron-man.html

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