Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

How To Be Like Tony Stark?

I want to know all subjects that i would have to study at university to be like him and in about 10 years would we be able to make things like iron man
Becoming like Tony is a lot easier than you think. I am 48% on my way to becoming just like Tony Stark. Step one, is to try to get into a service academy, especially the United States Air Force Academy, and major in aeronautical engineering. From there, go on to pilot training and fly fighter jets. This will give you a steady job while you work on your iron man suit in your basement.

Once you create an iron man suit, or something else that is really cool (like the jericho missiles in Iron Man 1) sell your weapon to the military. They will pay top dollar, and then you will be rich. Once you are rich you can put all your funds into your iron man suit.

Once you are rich, you can get the cool cars, and hire a secretary to manage your life while you focus solely on your suit. You should legally change your secretary's name to Pepper. Eventually, you will figure out how to make a nuclear reactor the size of a teacup. When you figure that out, put the reactor into your chest, dawn the suit, and go kill terrorists. The reactor will eventually poison your blood, so you are going to have to discover a new element by building a particle accelerator in your Malibu home.

That's about all you need to know, but I am way ahead of you so good luck.

Colt McCloud
C.E.O. McCloud Industries
From:  http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100508034302AATCcS9

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